
Welcome to my site! I’m Frank van Langevelde, Professor and chair of the Wildlife Ecology and Conservation group of Wageningen University, The Netherlands. My research focuses broadly on ecological and evolutionary adaptations of animals to stress (e.g. diseases, poor food quality, predators, high temperatures, humans). Environmental stresses can constrain movement and searching for habitat and food, such as the presence of predators and exposure to extreme ambient temperatures or periods of drought. As a consequence, constrained movement can result in suboptimal choices in foraging and habitat selection. Organisms are known to adapt to environmental stress, and animals, in contrast to plants, can move to avoid stressful conditions and search for more favourable conditions. Constraints in movement, e.g. due to habitat fragmentation in human-dominated landscapes, limits however the ability of animals to cope with stresses.

My expertise covers animal ecology, population biology, movement ecology and plant-animal interactions, through a combination of statistical and mathematical modelling, experiments, GIS and field studies.

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