Searching for Resources

Animals move to search for spatially distributed patches of food to satisfy their requirements for (macro-)nutrients. The movement patterns of animals are studies using both experiments and computer simulations. I contributed to understanding of why and where animals move in their search for resources. For example, a model was developed that determines how animals can maximise the time available for non-foraging activities: they have to choose the right ratio of food types in their foraging path to balance the uptake of (macro-)nutrients and then deplete the visited food patches to the locally optimal level:

Hengeveld, G.M., F. van Langevelde, T.A. Groen and H.J. de Knegt (2009) Optimal foraging for multiple resources in several food species. American Naturalist 174:102-110 (PDF)

Further aspects of foraging animals in heterogeneous environments can be found in the book that I co-edited:

Prins, H.H.T. and F. van Langevelde (eds.) (2008) Resource Ecology. Spatial and temporal aspects of foraging. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 304 p. (link)


As part of the E-track programme, we studied what devices could be best used to track animals:

Kölzsch, A., M. Neefjes, J. Barkway, G.J.D.M. Muskens, F. van Langevelde, W.F. de Boer, H.H.T. Prins, B.H. Cresswell and B.A. Nolet (2016) Neckband or backpack? Differences in tag design and their effects on GPS/accelerometer tracking results in large waterbirds. Animal Biotelemetry 4:13 (PDF)

De Weerd, N., F. van Langevelde, H. van Oeveren, B.A. Nolet, A. Kölzsch, H.H.T Prins and W.F. de Boer (2015) Deriving animal behaviour from high-frequency GPS: tracking cows in open and forested habitat. Plos ONE 10:e0129030 (PDF)

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